
19 Jul 2010

Vintage Finds #2: Wish You Were Here

This is the photo I used as my postcard: a hippo lazing around!
What a strange little machine!
And the French instructions. Helpful.
So now I can send vintage style post cards when I'm on holidays!

All in all, a quirky little find at a very affordable price!

Stay tuned for the next Vintage Find on Jolly Miss Molly :)
I need excuses to send these postcards! Can you think of any?


Tori said...

way cool! what an awesome find!
where do you get new postcard things from? what happens if you run out?!!!
I like the new name btw... very cute and, well, jolly!!

Anonymous said...

hey molls! love ur new little vintage find :) u could always use the post cards as bday cards (i hear there are a few coming up ;))
love the new name xxx sah xxx

megan said...

gee, good idea sarah >hint hint, molly!< ;) i love that cute little invention, and you could even typewrite your postcards! not that you would want to carry that heavy thing around on a holiday!! i love the postcard maker. but sooo expensive!! :P